Welcome to Saturn Tables

Saturn Tables provides a construct for methodical and organized construction of WordPress List Tables, the native format WordPress uses to display tabular data in the administration area. Designed for developers, this plugin is generally for projects involving data outside the WordPress data structure.

With simple PHP and MySQL programming, this plugin will construct beautiful and seamless data tables for custom datasets in the administration area of WordPress. And it is much easier than constructing custom data tables, pagination and other functionality from scratch. Little HTML or styling is needed, the tables will look, feel and behave just like the WordPress Posts or Pages list tables.

Saturn Tables was designed because several clients needed something like this. In general, people do things with WordPress outside the native data structure, and it’s desirable to display and input data seamlessly in the WordPress administration area.

You can explore Saturn Tables examples by logging in with our guest account. The admin bar will appear and in the upper left corner of this website and you can explore the “Cars” and “Countries” sample datasets and layouts.

Username: guest
Password: saturn123

Or you can install it and play around. Sample data here.

Download the plugin from the WordPress repository

Saturn Tables is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 license.

Support and programming is generally available on a consulting basis.